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Author : Michael Brown
Application Software
Michael Brown, Dalli...
Equipping Marketers for The New Era of Measurement
New online-privacy regulations and reduced use of online “cookies,” which track people’s movements on websites,…
Michael Brown, Dalli...
Audit and Beyond: The Unbelievably True Story of AuditBoard
Today we are excited to announce that AuditBoard*, a software company specializing in risk-and-compliance software…
Application Software
Michael Brown, Dalli...
The Next Horizon in HR Tech: Leave-of-Absence Management
Battery has a long history investing across the HR suite. Over the past four decades…
Application Software
Michael Brown, Dalli...
The Vertical SaaS Playbook: Battery’s Latest Investment in Construction Technology
At Battery Ventures, we love vertical software! Vertical, or industry-specific SaaS, has long been a…
Application Software
Michael Brown, Dalli...
Solving the Pain of Financial Planning Software—By Not Tossing Out…
Who loves using financial software? Chances are, you don’t. In a recent survey of 105…
Application Software
Michael Brown, Dalli...
Modernizing the Fight Against Financial Crime—Our Investment in Hummingbird*
Roughly 3.5% of the world’s GDP is laundered every year, according to the United Nations.…
Bobby Franklin, Mich...
5 Policies Washington Should Enact to End the Climate Crisis…
The importance of the U.S. startup ecosystem was made crystal clear during the pandemic: Many…
Application Software
Michael Brown, Brand...
Bringing Procurement Into the 21st Century—and the Cloud
There are lots of three-letter acronyms in business, but one of the most-dreaded is RFP—request…